Day: October 31, 2022

Future Aspirations

This morning, the year seven and eights had a talk from ex Pt England Students. They all have great careers and come to talk about what they do and to inspire us.

They shared good stories and what things really inspired them. They also shared thinking coaches that I will probably remember forever. My favourite thinking coaches was ‘Do what brings you joy’ and ‘Don’t let yourself become your own barrier’. Some of us really need to choose wisely about what they wish their career to be and make sure that it makes you very joyful. The only one that is stopping you is yourself so don’t pull yourself back and be around others who support you.

I’ve been so inspired and grateful for this session. We had a Q&A which answered many of our questions.

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Saineha 1st Primary Halloween Program

Last week Saturday, my ward (Saineha 1st) had a Halloween program for the Primary.

We went to the church hall and set up our station. We had balloons, webs, spiders, lanterns, something black aesthetic hanging from the ceiling, lollies, etc. Soon the children and their families started arriving. They played some teamwork/individual activities. Once they finished that they went around and trick or treated past stations. When every kid got a pack of lollies from us we gave them a game to play to win a pack of lollies of a bigger pack. The bishopric had a cake eating contest which was very entertaining and funny.

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