Tag: Homework

HW W5 – Advertisement

For this week’s homework (literacy section) we had to recreate a well know brands advertisement. We also had to include a text or phrase that would persuade people to buy the brand. I decided to do mine on KFC. I’m really happy with how it turned out and it was also fun to recreate. I hope you have enjoyed this post. Please leave a positive comment on my blog.

Photo Attribution: https://www.getsomethinggreat.com/the-kfc-slogan-is-getting-pulled-for-now/


HW WK2 – Literacy 6 Sentence Story

 Task Description: This week’s homework included a literacy task. In this literacy task we had to create a six sentence story based on an image that was given to us. The image had two kids sitting on the edge/wing of the plane. Here is my story. I hope you have enjoyed this post. Please leave a positive comment on my blog.

Writing: Siblings Lizzy and Luke were on vacation with their parents. This was a vacation trip for them, but for their mum it was a business trip. Their parents were quite wealthy so they paid first class for all of them. During the flight Lizzy and Luke were told to say put and don’t be disruptive. They did the complete opposite and snuck out of the plane. As they walked on the wing of the plane, a gust of wind blew them off.

HW WK1 – Literacy 6 Sentence Story

Task Description: This week’s homework included a literacy task. In this literacy task we had to create a six sentence story based on an image that was given to us. Here is my story. I hope you have enjoyed this post. Please leave a positive comment on my blog.

Writing: It was a cold eerie night, the town was a ghost town. No one to be heard or seen except for the old man sobbing in the seat. He was holding a small single rose in his hands. He thought that this one, small, and single rose would clear up the small in his house. Only to find out that his house was wiped away by the storm. In a strange and scary time like this, where would he go now?

HW WK6 – Digital Technologies

This is one of our homework tasks for this week. We had to choose one piece of technology and see how it has changed over time or looked like before. I chose phones. (1st phone) Motorola Dynatac 8000x, (2nd phone) Siemens S10, (3rd phone) Nokia unveil the 7110, (4th phone) and Apple iphone 13 pro. This was intresting to do because I saw the change and difference between phones now and then. I hope you have enjoyed this post. Please leave a positive comment on my blog.


Photo Attributionhttps://www.gsmarena.com/siemens_s10-86.php



Quizizz Homework WK9

Hello, welcome back to my blog/welcome to my blog! Today’s quizizz was based on our homework for this week. It included spelling words, maths and literacy. I came 2nd which I’m still happy about (thanks Aye for helping me). I hope you have enjoyed this post. Please leave a positive comment on my blog.