Category: Hanga | Create

Tu’u Malohi 2024

On Tuesday the 26th of March , some of us year 10 students participated in the Tu’u Malohi programme. Some of us did this last year as a year 9 so I was grateful for this opportunity to be a part of it again.

Our main focus for today’s activity was about the Dawn Raids. Dawn Raids was a sad racist attack that occurred in New Zealand during the 1970s. Many of our people from the Pacific had no choice but to come to New Zealand. They were immigrants and that’s how most of us migrated from the islands to New Zealand. They needed to work and sacrifice themselves to help support their families back in the islands. The police would come on the crack of the dawn and raid, evict , and arrest anyone who was overstaying. I believe that our people did nothing wrong. This was completely targeted to the brown people which was racist.

Our task was to draw or write something that relates to the Dawn Raids. We have to explain and show how we felt towards that. My drawing is down below. The water and mountain resemble the land. The pattern at the top of the drawing is a Tongan pattern called ‘Manulua’. The meaning behind the image is to allow us to stay and live here in New Zealand. The police didn’t have the right to kick us out. I’m not trying to say we own the land but we should be allowed and deserve to stay here.


Music – My Pepeha

For our new rotation (which is Music) our first task was to write and learn our pepeha.  A pepeha is a way of introducing yourself in Maori. It tells us your name, your village, you mountain, and more. You can read my pepeha which is below. I hope you have enjoyed this post. Feel free to leave positive comments on my blog.

Tēna koutou katoa (greetings to you all)

Ko Tongiaki tōku waka (canoe)

Ko Kao tōku maunga (mountain)

Ko Navutoka Tonga tōku iwi (tribe, viliage)

Nō New Zealand ahau (where from)

Ko Tamaki College tōku kura (school now)

Ko Faleta tōku whānau (family)

Ko Heikoti tōku matua (father)

Ko Meleane tōku whāea (mother)

Ko Finau tōku ingoa (my name)

Nōreira, tēnā koutou, tēna koutou, tēnā tātou katoa (Therefore greetings to you, greetings to you, greetings to us all)

SLJ – Kick Start: Smart Chips

One of the tasks I chose from this week was called Smart Chips. In this task we had to fill in the blanks/choose the correct word for the song Pukeko in a Ponga Tree (aka) 12 Days of Christmas. This seemed like a literacy and musical activity. I found this pretty chill and fun. Please leave a positive comment on my blog

SLJ – Kick Start: Arts for Arts Sake

Today I chose the Arts for Arts Sake task from the Summer Learning Journey week two. I thought this would be very fun and interesting, indeed it was. For this task we had to create a silhouette with our family on it. Since I’ve made a silhouette it was pretty easy. This photo was from a couple of years ago. It was my family and I at the Hamilton Temple museum. I hope you have enjoyed this post. Please leave a positive comment on my blog.


(original photo)

Term 4 Highlights!

Term 4 is officially over. It was quite a big shock to everyone because of the short term. We all tried to make the best of it and enjoyed it. We had many events that happened which I’m very grateful for and enjoyed. Thank you to everyone who helped out this term to make it another great success.

At the start of the term we had our Immersion Assembly where the teachers had to perform or share a movie. We had our second KPMG trip which is quite rare and we were super stoked about it. We loved the food, the lessons we learnt, and the activities we played. Our School Athletics day was very fun. I enjoyed spending time with all the year 8 girls (team challenges were so funny).  Later in the term we had our school Prizegivings and Year 8 Graduation. It was a joyful time where most of us received awards, I did which I was proud about. And all year eights dressed up beautifully and had our pictures taken.

I absolutely loved this term. It is so sad and fortunate that I’m leaving. Thanks again to everyone! I hope you have enjoyed this post. Please leave a positive comment on my blog.

Prizegiving 2022!

Today we had our school Prizegivings. I really enjoyed and loved my last senior prizegiving (which was in the afternoon). Many deserved people received great awards such as, class awards, PENN awards, sport awards, scholarships, and much more.

I received many awards but one of them was the ‘Takoha Pay It Forward’ award.  I was so very happy and super proud of myself. I wasn’t expecting to get it but I did. Thank you to those who have helped me this year!

I hope you have enjoyed this post. Please leave a positive comment on my blog.


SLJ – Toa Samoa

The Summer Learning Journey is coming up very soon. If you want to participate you had to register, once I registered I did one of the prep activities. One of them was the ‘Toa Samoa – wave that flag’ activity. We had to make a poster full of facts about the Samoan flag. I hope you have enjoyed this post. Please leave a positive comment on my blog.

Tech/Hard Materials – Last Session

Last week the year eights had their last tech rotation. My last rotation was hard materials. I really enjoyed the session and the product we were making. We were making a pendant or brooch. I chose turtle shape brooch. The process was quite tricky but I had to trust it. It looks very good and I’m proud of it. Thanks to my teacher Mr Grundy! I hope you have enjoyed this post. Please leave a positive comment on my blog.

Extension – T4 Project

This term for extension (our last term and year) we are doing a fun project. This project is based on escape rooms, literally. Our teachers had a recent experience of this so this is what our project is based on. We chose horror as our genre. Our escape room is about the movie ‘Smile’. We are almost done which is pretty exciting. We are cutting out keys and making padlocks. I am working for Angelica, Aye, and Kiarah. I hope you have enjoyed this post. Please leave a positive comment on my blog

Writing – My Inspiration

This week for writing we had to write two paragraphs about one person who inspires us. I chose President Russell M Nelson. He is an inspiration for me. I hope you enjoy this post. Please leave a positive comment on my blog.

A man of faith and happiness, Russell M Nelson. Prophet Russell M Nelson serves as the 17th prophet of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints. President Nelson is a retired surgeon, he attended Medical School, Utah and Minnesota University, and Ensign School.  He was born on the 9th of September 1924 in Salt Lake City, Utah, United States. He and his wife Wendy Watson Nelson both have 10 children. 

Prophet Nelson is one of my inspirations. I look up to this wonderful man who truly speaks the truth and shares his knowledge. He receives revelation from our father in heaven.  He is a great leader and leads our church both physically and spiritually. When he became a member of the quorum of the 12 apostles, he visited 133 nations. One of the many amazing miracles he performed was open-heart surgery on President Spencer W Kimball (12th prophet) and developed the heart lung machine which saved hundreds of people and developed the heart lung machine which save hundreds of people.