KPMG Trip! (2)

Today some of the extension students and other students from Pt England got to have another trip to KPMG. Our wishes came true, we wished to come back and visit. This trip was based on the topic for this term (Term 4 Mana Tu, Mitey You).

The helpers introduced themselves and then we had our delicious morning tea. When we finished eating we went on a tour of the building. My group consisted of Kahzyilou, Paula, Nora, and myself and our helpers were Luke and Anyah. The building has 5 massive floors with heaps of people doing work, etc.

When we came back we had a mental health lesson with Amber. It was such a good lesson that really helped me and others on how we feel or when we need help. Soon we wrote letters to someone but I really enjoyed this certain card making session then all my other ones. I wrote my one to my sister Catherine. Lunch was up next which we were all truly excited for.

After lunch we learnt Tai Chi was very interesting and entertaining to do. Finally we got a lolly pop each and gave one to someone in the building as a act of kindness. I gave mine to one of the guys we met on our last trip and one to the bus driver. I felt very happy and joy came across me.

I hope you have enjoyed this post. Please leave a positive comment on my blog.

(Photos coming soon)

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