Tag: Maths

Measurement-Home Edition

Hello blog viewers/welcome to my blog! This is my maths task for today. We are focusing on measurement and perimeter. We found/use objects at home to measure a certain object (since we don’t have a ruler). This maths task was fun and creative. I hope you have enjoyed this post. Please leave a positive comment on my blog.

Online Meeting (17.03.2022)

Hello blog viewers/welcome to my blog! Today’s online learning meet was fun! Our teacher was Miss Setefano.

We played a times tables game at the start. We were put into team and my team (Karoline and Vaha) won. We then looked through our maths slides for today which was about measurement and perimeter.

We came back to the meeting and shared our poetry slides. Before that we played unscramble the words! I shared mine and I was proud of it. I enjoyed the online meeting and had fun.

I hope you have enjoyed this post. Please leave a positive comment on my blog.

Online Meeting (16.03.2022)

Hello blog viewers/welcome to my blog! Today I attended to the online meeting.

We learnt on of our times tables that we need a bit of work on. I chose my 8x times tables. We then went through our literacy task (which was about poetry). I enjoyed the online meeting and had fun.

I hope you have enjoyed this post. Please leave a positive comment on my blog.

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