Category: Hanga | Create

Online Meeting (18.03.2022)

Hello blog viewers/welcome to my blog! Yesterday was our final online meeting for the week.

We played at times table game against each other (I versed Paulah and won, yay but good game). We then played a kahoot that was based around brands and I won it, yay! I did enjoy this meeting because we played fun games and it was competitive.

I hope you have enjoyed this post. Please leave a positive comment on my blog.

Online Meeting (17.03.2022)

Hello blog viewers/welcome to my blog! Today’s online learning meet was fun! Our teacher was Miss Setefano.

We played a times tables game at the start. We were put into team and my team (Karoline and Vaha) won. We then looked through our maths slides for today which was about measurement and perimeter.

We came back to the meeting and shared our poetry slides. Before that we played unscramble the words! I shared mine and I was proud of it. I enjoyed the online meeting and had fun.

I hope you have enjoyed this post. Please leave a positive comment on my blog.

Motivational Quote WK6

Hello blog viewers/welcome to my blog! Last week I shared the motivational quote for that week. The quote says “You never know what you are capable of until you take the first step and just go for it” by Natasha Hastings. It means to try new things and never give up. I hope you have enjoyed this post. Please leave a positive comment on my blog.

Narrative Writing – Plane Crash

Hello blog viewers/welcome to my blog! This is my writing task for this week. We wrote about a certain picture, used the narrative structure and used some keywords. I hope you have enjoyed this post. Please leave a positive comment on my blog.



Writing: Startled, he thinks it’s a dream. Martin wakes up not knowing what has happened and where he is? The last thing he remembers is eating his plate of bacon and eggs in business class on the Emirates boeing 737.  

He glanced through the area, still thinking it was a dream. He felt unsteady as he stood up, soon he collapsed. While searching for the exit he fell and crawled towards where he thought was the exit. He saw a pillar of light and moved closer to it. Still curious of where he was he fell out of the open hole. 

“AAAHHHH!” and “OOF” he hit the floor. He was unconscious, dizzy and fainted. He was about to ask “Pinch m-” but just noticed he was the only one there. Chills went down his spine as he took a few steps in the area. The place humongous and the plane was iced over, lips turned purple and his head felt very light. Help was needed. 

Wishing that a miracle or something could save him. He looked back at where he fell and thought maybe he could see if there was anything in the crashed plane that could help him. He noticed something in the snow, is was the thing glowing piece of liquid, it was luminescent?! But who was this from? He used the last of his strength to follow the trail of luminescent.

To be honest he thought the luminescent looked quite interesting and colourful. As continued to follow the trail he noticed that the trial was leading him towards the inside of the plane. In the distance there was more luminescent but he also saw something unearthly but incredible, looked like a creature. He tried to speed his walk a bit but tried not to scare it. “Wow” he thought. Never has he seen something that looked like… that (but in a good way of course)!

He walked towards the creature. The creature did noticed he was walking to him, the creature was petrified and froze. He wanted to let the creature know that he was friendly and just wanted to meet him. He wondered if this was that cause of the plane crash? He was quite lazy and didn’t care, his whole focus was on the creature.

Narrative Writing – Magical Cave

Hello blog viewers/welcome to my blog! This is my writing task for this week. A couple of weeks ago we learnt about explanation writing and now we are doing narrative writing. We wrote about a certain picture, used the narrative structure and used some keywords. I hope you have enjoyed this post. Please leave a positive comment on my blog.

Writing Challenge – Dark Hallway

Hello blog viewers/welcome to my blog! Today in home learning we did a writing challenge. We had to write about a picture. We could only write 6 sentences and use keywords that consists of never, because, eerie, Suddenly,. Here is my writing piece. I hope you have enjoyed this post. Please leave a positive comment on my blog.

As the high school student entered through the gate, an eerie noise echoed through the hallway. Never has he been this alone before. Silence occurred in the dark misty area. The silence was interrupted when the gate shut down behind him. Because of this he was frightened and fell on his knees. He slowly raised his head and saw a strange figure in the distance.

House Captain Movie – Put the sports gear in the right place/Play in the right Place

Hello blog viewers/welcome to my blog! This is the House Captain’s movie for PENN today. It is about Putting the sports gear in the right place/Playing in the right place. I made this with the House Captains (Jezer,Jade,Lucian,Lincoln,Ema,Jordoan and Latiana). I also filmed parts of the movie.

I never really knew it was going to be quite simple. I was just a little bit nervous and thought I couldn’t finish it but I did, with help. I learnt a whole lot about filming an editing.

I hope you have enjoyed this post. Please leave a positive comment on my blog.

Reasons Why GI is the best community in NZ

Hello blog viewers/welcome to my blog! Today in literacy we have been learning about Explain Writing. We learnt about how to plan our explanation writing. I hope you have enjoyed this post. Please leave a positive comment on my blog.

Glen Innes Is The Best Community In NZ


A lot of dairies/shops

  • Includes many items
  • Friendly Shopkeepers
  • Assist you at times of need

Cool Artwork 

  • Spray Painted artwork on walls
  • Represent something cool/important
  • Art Gallery/Street

A lots of schools which means a lot of kids

  • Lots of kids, like I mentioned
  • More Schools,more learning opportunities
  • Free Lunches